Jun 28, 2021
Arizona State University drafts ‘To-do list for Organic Agriculture’
Arizona State University’s Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems has laid out its priorities for organic agriculture.
“The Critical To-Do List of Organic Agriculture: 46 Recommendations for the President” is available as a PDF on the University’s website.
The report is the result of discussions between the Swette Center, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and Californians for Pesticide Reform. The authors are Kathleen A. Merrigan of Arizona State University, ASU’s Esteve G. Giraud, and Catherine Greene, formerly of the USDA Economic Research Service.
“These recommendations are essential changes that would strengthen US organic agriculture, and the majority of them are “low-hanging fruit” that could be accomplished almost immediately,” ASU Senior Food Systems Specialist Colleen Hanley wrote in an email to Organic Grower. “As colleagues in the organic movement, we hope you will take the time to read our report. We would love to hear any feedback you may have. Our hope is that we can all work together to hold the current administration accountable for all 46 of these recommendations.”