Sep 6, 2022
California Department of Food and Agriculture accepting applications for planning grants
The Conservation Agriculture Planning Grants Program (CAPGP) is a new program in the Office of Environmental Farming and Innovation that will fund the development of plans that will help farmers and ranchers.
The program will help them to identify actions for climate change mitigation and adaptation, further environmental stewardship on farms and ranches, and ensure agricultural food security into the future.
Eligible entities include Tribes, technical service providers (TSPs) registered with the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), professional certified crop advisors, pest control advisors, rangeland managers, non-profit organizations, Resource Conservation Districts, California Public Universities, agricultural cooperatives, groundwater sustainability agencies, and farmers and ranchers in collaboration with a qualified planner. All eligible applicants will be required to demonstrate qualifications.
Applicants may apply for up to $250,000 to prepare conservation agriculture plans in the following categories:
- Agricultural Energy Design
- Carbon Farm Planning
- Comprehensive Nutrient Management
- Fish and Wildlife Habitat
- Grazing Management
- Irrigation Water Management
- Nutrient Management
- Organic Transition
- Pollinator Habitat
- Pest Management
- Soil Health Management
Detailed information, including webinars that review the application process and requirements and program guidelines can be found on the program website at Applications are due October 23, 2022, 5 p.m. Pacific Time.