Soil Health

How organic vegetable farming techniques affect soil health

Soil and crop management decisions, including crop rotation, residue management, and intensity and frequency of tillage, affect soil health and soil n... more »

Soil health company MyLand hires Sascha Welz as COO

MyLand, a soil health company, announced Aug. 10 that Sascha Welz has joined the company as Chief Operating Officer. [caption id="attachment_4631" ... more »

How to measure nitrogen in ‘green manure’ cover crops

Both chemical fertilizers and cover crops can help build the nitrogen content in soil. But cover crops come with many other benefits, like improving s... more »

How lima beans excel as a cover crop and as green manure

Lima beans are also good for the environment and farmers. They are effective as cover crops and as green manure. The benefit of lima beans stretche... more »

Long-term field research shows value of Solvita soil tests

A long-term study by the University of Guelph shows the usefulness of Solvita soil tests as tools to predict soil health. The study, published in ... more »

Farms sign up more than 1M acres for regenerative ag, says MyLand

MyLand Company LLC recently announced it had secured over one million acres of farmland for its regenerative services, through letters of intent globa... more »

MyLand hires marketing director

MyLand Company, LLC recently hired Shelley Baugh as senior director of marketing. Baugh will be responsible for leading all marketing initiatives, ... more »

How compost can improve apple orchard sustainability

As the saying goes, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what’s the key to growing a quality apple? Apple trees need access to important nutr... more »

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