Crop Management

USDA study: diverse crop rotations offer stability

USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has released findings that suggest diverse crop rotations can mitigate risks associated with poor growing... more »

Fertilizer group awards biostimulant certification to Valent BioSciences

The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) has awarded Valent BioSciences its third Certified Biostimulant certification for its Transit 500 biostimulant. The ... more »

Robotics to help Reinke improve irrigation efficiencies

A global irrigation systems and technology company is investing $12 million in the modernization and automation of its irrigation systems manufacturin... more »

Georgia Plant Protection Division recognized by National Plant Board

Georgia's Plant Protection Division has won national honors from a nationwide plant protection board. The National Plant Board (NPB) bestowed an Ou... more »

Bion’s nitrogen fertilizer now OMRI listed for organic use

A commercial nitrogen fertilizer can now be used by organic growers. Bion Environmental Technologies, Inc.'s commercial 10-0-0 nitrogen fertilizer ... more »

Farmers weigh options as burn ban nears

Alex Noriega, foreman for the Lodi agricultural service provider Fowler Brothers, early in the morning before dawn at 4 a.m., climbed onto an excavato... more »

Research funding given to North Carolina State

North Carolina State University (NCSU) has been awarded nine specialty crop research projects valued at more than $1.16 million. The projects selecte... more »

New MSU Plant & Pest Diagnostics director named

Plant diagnostic services continue at MSU Plant & Pest Diagnostics under the new direction of Jan Byrne, who holds a doctoral degree, following th... more »

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