Cover crops

Organic Grower Summit: Improving soil health with organic farming practices

In 1985, a decade or so after he started farming, Scott Park realized something had to change. “We started realizing that our ground was kind of ... more »

Actor promoting soil, regenerative ag

Actor, author and woodworker Nick Offerman takes on his dirtiest role to date: a promotion to attract public attention to regenerative ag and healthy ... more »

Cover crops survey challenges assumptions on incentives

A new national cover crop survey report challenges assumptions on the role of incentive payments in cover crop adoption. Incentives play a key role... more »

Cover crop survey seeking grower input

Farmers are invited to share thoughts on cover crops in the National Cover Crop Survey to help guide research, seed development and other actions. ... more »

Fall foragers: Mustard cover crops provide biofumigation

Growing mustard cover crops for biofumigation is a strategy that can help manage many soil pathogens. In Ohio, the practice can be used in the spring ... more »

OFRF & FFAR fund research of best practices for cover crops

The Organic Farming Research Foundation and the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research announced its fifth award for the 2021/22 OFRF organic ... more »

Cover crops and chess

I have been thinking about cover crops lately and when I do, I find myself remembering my high school chess coach. Mr. Lange was a fun person – he w... more »

Oregon State University awarded $50M USDA grant to work with farmers and Native American tribes on crop practices

OSU will work with farmers and Native American Tribes on cropping practices that can enhance soil health and reduce the carbon footprint of the Pacifi... more »

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