Dec 22, 2021
Virtual Minnesota organic conference set for Jan. 6-7

Registration is open for Minnesota’s only statewide conference on organic agriculture, which is keeping its virtual format for 2022.

The Minnesota Organic Conference, hosted by the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) will take place on January 6 and 7, 2022.

Three key sessions and a variety of breakouts and discussions over two days will provide farmers and others interested in organic agriculture the opportunity to learn more about healthy farms, food businesses, and soils.

The lineup is as follows:

Block 1: Thursday, January 6, 3 – 5:30 p.m.

  • Keynote address – Dan Barber, award-winning chef, and author of The Third Plate
  • Followed by your choice of concurrent sessions: Halal Meat Production, Resilience through Organic Agriculture, and Digital Tools to Make an Impact

 Block 2: Friday, January 7, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

  • Keynote address – Dr. Kris Nichols, soil microbiologist featured in the documentary Kiss the Ground
  • Followed by your choice of concurrent sessions: Kiss the Ground Discussion, Staying Resilient, and Soil Health

 Block 3: Friday, January 7, 1:30 – 4 p.m.

  • Keynote address – Laurie Demeritt, Hartman Group CEO
  • Followed by your choice of concurrent sessions: Perennial Crops and People, Transitioning to an Organic System, and Shipping Outside the “Box”

Registration cost is $25 for the entire conference and includes access to the movie Kiss the Ground, or $10 per block. To register and for more information, visit the MDA’s Minnesota Organic Conference web page.

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