Jun 28, 2023
USDA to buy almost 17.5 million pounds of frozen blueberries
The USDA plans to buy 17.4 million pounds of frozen highbush blueberries to use for school lunches and other federal food and nutrition assistance programs.
The purchase is under the authority of Section 32, formerly known as the “bonus buy” program, according to the USDA.
“This is an encouraging and timely announcement from USDA,” Kasey Cronquist, president of the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, said in a statement. “A big thank you to all those industry stakeholders, including the (North American Blueberry Council, for working together to convey the necessary details and current market conditions to develop this Section 32 solicitation for our industry with USDA officials.”
The USDA announced intentions to purchase an undisclosed amount of frozen blueberries in May. For more information on the program and how to participate in the web-based solicitation and procurement, visit the USDA’s information page.