Mar 17, 2024
USDA updates Harmonized GAP standards

The USDA Agricultural Marketing Service is updating the Harmonized Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) and GAP Plus+ audit standards and has scheduled a webinar on the updates.

The webinar is at 1 p.m. April 5. Registration is online.

usda logo USDA logo US Department of AgricultureThese updates become effective May 1 and will allow the AMS GAP audit services to remain applicable and relevant for its specialty crops industry customers.

The USDA Harmonized GAP and GAP Plus+ audit standards will be updated to align with the Produce GAPs Harmonized Combined Standard. Updates will include:

  • Adding more consistent language and reducing redundancy.
  • New requirements relating to water treatment, recall program, soil amendments and maintenance.

For more information on the updates to the standards or the webinar, contact Jill Dunlop, AMS Audit Services Branch, at


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