Jul 5, 2022
NDSU’s Carrington Research Extension Center to host organic tour

The organic/sustainable agriculture production plot tour will be one of the featured events during the annual field tours July 19 at North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) Carrington Research Extension Center (CREC).

The field day will begin at 9 a.m. with registration, coffee and a welcome. The organic/sustainable agriculture plot tour will depart at 9:30 a.m. and conclude at noon with lunch. Other tours will cover topics related to livestock, agronomy and Northern Hardy fruits.

The morning organic tour will address issues and opportunities with raising crops organically. Topics will include pulse breeding, weed management, wheat quality with millers and bakers, perennial flax, winter pea and rye, oat breeding update, and an overview of Sustainable Agriculture Research Education (SARE) opportunities.

This tour will provide an inside look at research that NDSU is conducting under organic production at the center.

“With our certified organic fields, we can do organic research that helps the organic industry,” said Steve Zwinger, research specialist at the CREC. “The annual organic/sustainable ag plot tour provides a forum for sharing knowledge and concerns of the organic industry.”

Topics and speakers for this year’s tour include:

  • NDSU pulse breeding program – Nonoy Bandillo, NDSU pulse breeder, Fargo
  • SARE opportunities – Jeff Gale, Extension agent, Foster County
  • Wheat quality and end-use – Rich Horsley, department head and professor, Department of Plant Sciences, Fargo
  • Winter peas and winter rye update – Zwinger
  • Perennial flax research – Burton Johnson, NDSU agronomist, Fargo
  • Organic weed management – Greta Gramig, NDSU weed scientist, Fargo
  • NDSU oat breeding update – Mike McMullen, NDSU oat breeder, Fargo

For more information about the field day, visit www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/ag-hub/events/carrington-rec-field-day.

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