Mar 7, 2023
Cover crop survey seeking grower input
Farmers are invited to share thoughts on cover crops in the National Cover Crop Survey to help guide research, seed development and other actions.
The survey, the seventh since 2012, is being conducted by the USDA-NIFA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program, Conservation Technology Information Center and the American Seed Trade Association.
“Since 2012, the National Cover Crop Survey has been extremely valuable in helping guide research priorities, direct communications and education efforts, provide data to researchers, and illustrate the effects of policy on cover crop use and adoption,” Rob Myers, regional director of extension programs for North Central SARE and director of the University of Missouri Center for Regenerative Agriculture, said in a news release.
“Data from previous surveys have been used in scientific papers, business planning, extension efforts, media coverage of cover crops, and even included in testimony to Congress.”
The survey is available at