July 5, 2021 |
Organic produce market post-COVID session coming at OPS
On the heels of one of the most challenging and demanding years in the history of the fresh produce industry, leaders from the production and retail side of business will explore what lies ahead for the future of organic fresh produce in the second of four educational sessions at Organic Produce Summit 2021.
Protect your seed investment with conventional or organic seed technologies!
Do you want to prevent seed-borne pathogens from contaminating your field? Protect your seeds from soil pathogens? Improve early crop development? Start maximizing your yield with seed health technology solutions from Germains Seed Technology. Learn more about our seed technologies!
Leaning into a rapidly changing future at Organic Farm School
For our first 12 years, the Organic Farm School focused almost entirely on core training for new organic farmers. We modeled how to propagate from seed, how to prepare beds, how to transplant, weed and harvest. We taught basic business planning and marketing skills to go right along with variety trialing, seed production and how to successfully navigate the organic certification process.
How to make your cover crops work for you
At the Rodale Institute, we know that cover crops provide amazing benefits such as reducing pest and weed pressure, enhancing soil and water quality, increasing nutrient cycling efficiency, and providing nutrients to cash crops.