Building on the success of its Organic Consulting Service launched in 2019, the nonprofit Rodale Institute has launched the Rodale Institute Certified Advisor program, a new accreditation that builds a network of local, trusted agricultural service providers backed by Rodale Institute’s expertise.
The Golden State posted some impressive statistics on its organic agricultural production, in a teaser for its annual report on the subject, due out in early 2022.
Drammatic® Liquid Fish Fertilizers are derived from fresh fish scraps from the Great Lakes. Drammatic® Liquid Fish hydrolysates contain the natural oils, amino acids, and minerals found in fish and are OMRI, WSDA, & CDFA listed for organic crop production.
California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF) supports the growth of organic by providing service-oriented organic certification, diverse educational offerings, and dedicated policy work. Founded in California more than 40 years ago, today CCOF’s roots span the breadth of North America and the CCOF presence is internationally recognized.
The Organic Trade Association (OTA) today published the recommendations of the national Northeast Dairy Taskforce, of which OTA is a part, originally sent to the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) at the end of 2021. The recommendations outline how the agency can better support struggling family-scale and organic dairy operations. The task force first convened in October, 2021 and the recommendations published today were developed in direct response to the cancellation of 89 Danone/Horizon Farm organic dairy contracts.
The USDA has extended the deadline for agricultural producers who are certified organic, or transitioning to organic, to apply for the Organic and Transitional Education and Certification Program.